“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
Books are an essential tool in a designer’s arsenal. Coffee table books specifically are something I have on hand for every project. They can add color and height. Texture and style. Whether you choose to showcase them stacked, laid open, placed singularly on a side table or used as a foundation for other accessories, a coffee table book warms up the space, brings in a unique peek into the owner’s personality and interests, and can help transform a table unlike any other piece of decor. Take a look at some examples in our projects at PKD.
Photographer Scott Pearson
When working a round table you want your accessories to form a triangle. The books on the coffee table add height and contrasting stark lines to the otherwise curvaceous table form and accent pieces.
Photographer Billy Black
A single book looks simplistically beautiful, but the choice of book is quite strategic. It brings a pop of color and personality into the space, coordinating with the room accents and helping to bring out the colors of the carpet below.
Fewer accessories seem as accessible or touchable as a book.
Photographer Ryan Cohen
Books have always been able to transport one to another world through reading – who knew they could help do it through design as well!