The Impact of Color

The Impact of Color

There is no such thing as a “correct” color palette to use in a space, but there are definitely wrong ones! As an interior designer, one of the most essential decisions I help my clients make is the color palette of their space. The right colors can transform a room,...
The Power of Subtlety in Luxury Design

The Power of Subtlety in Luxury Design

Subtlety has long been associated with luxury. It is the ability to convey elegance and sophistication through understated elements, capturing the attention of those with discerning taste. As the luxury industry is ever evolving, clients will always want to embrace...
The Importance of Soffits in Design

The Importance of Soffits in Design

As yacht designers we are always looking for ways to enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of our designs. Today, I want to highlight one design element that can truly elevate the look and feel of your yacht – ceiling soffits. Soffits are architectural...
The Art of Lighting

The Art of Lighting

Home is where you find your comfort, your zen, and if you do it right – your best lighting. Lighting is key to establishing a space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. One of the elements of a well-designed yacht interior is the use of artistic...
Spring Yachting Destinations

Spring Yachting Destinations

The weather is warming up, the water is simply perfect and the world’s most beautiful destinations are awaiting vacationers. This year let the rest of the world stand in line to take a photo at the popular Spring Break hot spots, and check out some gorgeous far-flung...